
Get Started

Getting started with Orange County Divorce Mediation is easy. If you would like to schedule a call with Anna, feel free to call our office at 949/253-3700 or set an appointment with the online booking on our site. To commence mediation, both parties must agree and execute a retainer agreement. After contacting our office and our review of the names of the parties, we will conduct a conflict check which takes about a minute with our computer program. If you wish to retain our office, we will forward a retainer agreement to you and your spouse. We will need the retainer agreement signed by both parties and the retainer fee paid. We will also ask that both parties fill out an Initial Interview Sheet which is generally contact information for each of the parties. If there are minor children, we would request that one of the parties fill out a 5 year Residency History Form which is required information for the Court. Finally, both parties will be required to fill out a Schedule of Assets and Debts as well as an Income and Expense Declaration. All forms are available here to allow you to get a head start.

Step 1:  Contact the our office at 949/253-3700 to Obtain a Retainer Agreement for you and your spouse.

Step 2:  Fill out

  1. The Initial Interview Sheet

    Initial Interview Sheet

  2. And only  if there are children, the 5 Year Residency Form

    5 Year Residency Form

Step 3: Get a head start by completing the financial documents:

  1. Income and Expense Declaration

    Income and Expense

  2. Schedule of Assets and Debts

    Assets and Debts